General CHOI HONG I says: "The life of a human being can be considered as a day, when compared to eternity. We are just just travelers who spend eternity in a day. No one, of course, can live longer than a limited amount of time. However many people enslave the way with materialism as if they were going to live a thousand years. Others, on the other hand, seek to leave a spiritual legacy for generations to come, the gaining of perpetuity. Therefore, if anything can be left for the well-being of the human being, we will achieve the most important thing of our lives. Here I leave taekwon-do as a sign of 24 hours a day or eternity "It is clear that no one can live more than a limited amount of time. However, many people stupidly enslave the materialism, as if they could live a thousand years, while others strive to leave a spiritual legacy for future generations, thus achieving immortality, obviously, the spirit is eternal and the material is ephemeral.

Therefore, what we can do for man's prosperity and growth in the future is the most done in our lives. Here I leave Taekwon-do for humanity as a footprint of 20th-century man. The 24 shapes represent 24 hours. A day or my whole life.


The shapes were designed by Gral Choi Hong Hi for the refinement and technical development of Taekwon-do. These are a series of fundamental movements. The cales represent attack or defense techniques in a mixed and logical sequence. In addition to being composed of jumps, slow movements, turns that reach 360o, which give it certain characteristics that beautify your realization, the shapes enclose all the methodological development of Taekwon-do and indicate in which level you have to master certain aspects that do not pass through the physical part, such as distances, perception, analysis, etc. Each movement that makes up the shapes has a logical explanation in how and why their development and application.

The practitioner systematically fights with several imaginary opponents, performing the techniques that make up each of these forms. You will assume advancing through the fundamental movements developed techniques that will then be used in combat. The main benefits are: improves flexibility, muscle tonicity is involved in a respiratory control exercise, constantly undergoing different types of motions causes special control over the body's dominance to develop. This psychomotor development is transferred in body domain to all areas of art. While through struggle one can evaluate a practitioner's knowledge, forms are a critical parameter for evaluating the practitioner's technical development. Taekwon-totalize 3200 movements distributed in 2000 hand techniques and 1200 standing. The shapes, which in total are 24, enclose 970 movements.

The name, number of movements and diagram of each particular form symbolize myths, heroes, facts and the spirit of Korean history. The following points should be considered primarily during the practice of forms.

1st) The shape should start and end in the same place exactly. This indicates the accuracy of the practitioner.

2nd) Correct posture and appearance should be maintained all the time.

3o) The muscles of the body should be pensioned or relaxed at the critical time of exercise.

4o) Exercise should be performed with rhythmic movements and eases.

5o) The movement must be accelerated and decelerated according to the indication of the shape.

6o) Each shape must be mastered correctly before moving on to the next one.

7th) Practitioners should know the purpose of each movement.

8o) Practitioners must make each movement realistically.

9th) Attack and defence techniques should also be distributed between both hands and feet.

Photo Taken in shortlist for pan American, Paraguay 2014

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