Taekwondo ITF, Young with autism, graduates black belt

Nahuel Subeldia who trains 6 years ago, with Matia Molinari, gave her black belt exam 1st dan this Saturday, July 23, at the Auditorium in Concordia, Nahuel gave her exam with excellent grades in front of all her peers and a public that filled the auditorium.

Matías Molinari, told that in the years I train he only remembers that he has missed 2 times, Nahuel has participated in all the events, trips that the group made in these years, participating in tournaments, parades.

The very excited father handed over the black belt to Nahuel, and told that Taekwon-do is the only thing he really likes and thanked the whole family who accompany him always, the companions for integrating him and supporting him in the group and especially Matias Molinari for his dedication to Nahuel.

For our part as trainer instructors very proud of Molinari’s dedication, this shows that each of us from our place with dedication, passion and love can dedicate our time for the benefit of all.



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