ITF Taekwon-do, The Secrets of Training.


Technical quality cannot be achieved only with effort and intensive training. The advice of an insuitable instructor causes you greater harm than if you had learned alone, since non-scientific movements reduce power and require a long corrected in addition to increasing the risk of injury.
By competent instructor, it leads the student (when he trains seriously) towards the true taekwon-do technique, saving him time and energy.

Practitioners should keep in mind the following concepts related to bodily movements, with the aim of producing the maximum power of each action:

1) Study the Theory of Power thoroughly.

2) Understand the meaning and purpose of each movement.

3) Move feet, hands, breathing and sight in a single perfectly coordinated action.

4) Choose the right part to hit each vital point.

5) Familiarize yourself with the correct distance and angle of each technique and particular.

6) Keep your arms and legs slightly bent while running the movement.

7) Start the movements with a slight backward action, with very few exceptions.

8) Create a sinusoid wave during movement by properly flexing the knees.


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