Taekwon-do ITF, Carlos Paz dressed up as a party.

the 6th again the Copa Villa Carlos Paz had the support of Instructors and delegations from all over the country, this year for reasons beyond the organization was held in the Sol y Oro facilities, we could not count in the traditional space where it was made every year, more spacious and more comfortable, but the public and competitors behaved wonderfully maintaining respect and camaraderie at all times.

The team as always impeccable, with effort and a lot of work I carry forward 10 hr. 400 competitors in four crews who did not stop at any time.

We had the collaboration of international judges and referees, such as Javier Leiva, Gustavo Lucero and Claudio Alba, who gave hierarchy to the event.

A special mention to the working committee and all the collaborators.
Liliana Falcón
Claudio Alba
Gustavo Sanz.

Those who counted on the collaboration of:
Carlos Gomez
Alberto Arredondo.

Delegations from all over the country were present:
Alberto Arredondo, Monte Grande, Buenos Aires.
Alejandro Sarapura, Cafayate, Salta.
Ariel Figueroa, Santiago del Estero.
Andres Perez, San Benito, between Rios.
Ariel Alemano, Santa Ríos de Calamuchita, Córdoba.
Carlos Gomez, Burzaco, Buenos Aires.
Claudio Alba, La Plata, Buenos Aires.
Claudio Figueroa, Cordoba.
Daniel Cascallar, Guernica, Buenos Aires.
Daniel Galetto, Alta Gracia, Cordoba.
Javier Leiva Bialet masse, cordoba.
Julio Pacheco, Rosario.
Pedro Iturra, St. Louis.
Lucero Gustavo, La Plata, Buenos Aires.
Marcelo Palma, Gral Busto, Cordoba.
Marcelo Romani, Monte Maiz, Cordoba.
Martin Diaz, Bell Ville, Cordoba.

The Union Taekwon-do Argentina, goes for more and better editions and awaits them all in more united than ever in 2016.



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