At the headquarters of Unión Taekwon-do Argentina, a seminar was given by Master Edgardo Villanueva 7th Dan, awarded at the last World Championship held in Jesolo Italia, as the best itF-style coach, Villanueva gave clear guidelines on how to guide students in the quest to be a good elite competitor, accompanied by the last world champions , Patricia «Pato» Garelik and Fernando Marin, who collaborated with him demonstrating some technique.
The seminar was very motivating and I provide many tools to work with instructors and coaches.
Instructors from different schools in Capital, Buenos Aires, La plata, Cordoba, and a representative of Bolivia were present at the weekly, who at the end were very satisfied with the seminary among which were Master Luis Gadea, Martin Gadea, Roberto Barrientos, Eric Alva, Roberto Andres Riveros, Pablo Campos, Ana Camara etc.
all took a certificate of participation.