With some normality but with a lot of protocol and almost no audience was held the Super 5 tournament Organized by Marcelo Bordiez, Alejandro Gartenbank and Top Ten Argentina, let us remember that the competition of the Super 5 is carried out with the Roun Robin system (all against all) which makes it very attractive and competitors have the opportunity to measure the same with everyone.
The Union Taekwon-do was composed of 6 Competitors, 2 coaches and 3 arbitrators.
The results were:
Ariana Zalazar 1st Position in the category Juveniles free of weig
ht. Ailen Market 1st Position in the category Adults up to 50
kg. Daniel Ayala 1st Place in the category Senio
rsPablo Kaufman 1st Position in the light youth category. An
d Sasha Kaufmann 3rd in ladies up to 56 kg.