Calchaqui Valleys Championship, ITF Taekwon-do

I spend another the Valles Calchaquies Championship the 14th edition, it is a huge pleasure to be able to make this tournament, but more pleasure gives me to see the joy of those guys competing and receiving their prizes everything else is just statistical.

I want to emphasize the support of my students who weigh the distance always make some effort to accompany me and collaborate with the School, I have the enormous privilege that always one or more of them accompany me.

This time they were:

Claudio Alba who went from La Plata to work in the organization that also led some students to compete.

Matías Molinari de Concordia who went with a large delegation, and the Danes who went to collaborate, Santiago Vázquez and Facundo Vicentin.

Alejandro Sarapura who always puts his best effort for everything goes well.

I would also like to thank Norma Caffaro for the collaboration which was a significant number of competitors.

This year some schools especially from Tucumán and Catamarca could not be present because of the cut routes and floods that come suffered these localities to whom we send our solidarity.

Awards by school

1st Post Matías Molinari, Concordia.

2nd Post Norma Caffaro, Jump.

3rd Post Alejandro Sarapura, Cafayate.

4th Post Alba Claudio La Plata.

We are waiting for you all as usual in April in Cafayate.

I didn't have time to take pictures so the photos I put in are stolen from Facebook, (totally it's legal everything is stolen from Facebook).

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