The following proposal is aimed at teacher training, and permanent training of Instructors and future instructors of our Association (UTKDA). In order to provide our staff of instructors with the most appropriate tools, as well as the best elements and criteria for the development of their activity as teachers of our Martial Art.
Focusing our effort on a holistic training that includes all facets of a student's training. Aware of the need that a properly trained instructor needs the minimum knowledge of each of the different parts that make up our discipline. Both of the competition modalities (fight, form, pre-established fight, special techniques, power break, team competitions, as well as pre-competitive activities and competitions of another nature); as well as the tools of personal defense (hand-to-hand work, work against weapons, defense distances, sensitive areas of the human body, etc.); technical structures (training secrets, learning composition cycle, fundamental movements, motions, tulle diagram, offset, etc.); general physical preparation (appropriate exercises, training risks, injury care, etc.); of martial protocols (behavior inside and outside the Dojan, moral culture, principles, etc.); the development of classes, exhibitions and exams; of the programs and teaching contents of the different categories; as well as any element or component necessary for the training of a Taekwondoin from the category of 10 Gup to that of IX ° Dan.
Likewise, given the breadth of territory in which our school extends, covering a large number of towns that go longitudinally from Ushuaia, in the south, in the province of Tierra del Fuego, to Cafayate, in the north, in the province of Salta. , passed through provinces such as Neuquén, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Corrientes, Misiones, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, Catamarca, among others, as well as the location of instructors of our technical line in neighboring countries. And considering, in this sense, the new technologies that allow pedagogically to shorten these distances, as well as the fact that the use of these tools allows us a more efficient use of time, part of our program aims to incorporate these tools to facilitate pedagogical-didactic strategies of this teacher training program. Adding virtual activities, both synchronous and asynchronous, to the instances of face-to-face training, to enhance and maximize the scope, effectiveness and efficiency of the program.
Promote the holistic and professional training of our instructors
Help with the training and ongoing training of our staff of instructors
Homogenize, raise awareness and professionalize teaching practices in our association
Shorten distances and strengthen ties between our instructors
Provide tools to improve the teaching practices of our instructors
Provide strategies that allow the best insertion and permanence in the professional field of our activity.
Professionalization of UTKDA instructors.
Holistic training and permanent updating of instructors.
Acquisition, by instructors, of marketing tools and practices and protocols for the presentation of projects
Theoretical technical program of the UTKDA (summary of the encyclopedia of TKD ITF), forms, combat, Self defense, breaking, history of taekwondo, philosophy, theory of power.
Basic physical preparation for the conditioning of students in their different stages, as well as injury care.
Physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics applied to TaeKwon-Do ITF.
TaeKwon-do ITF and children (pedagogy, didactics and methodology) KIDS – ITF and Traditional method.
TaeKwon-Do, Umpire, Competitive Sport and Recreation Coach.
Basic knowledge of finance, management and administration to open a space or Dojan for TaeKwon-Do
Internal Regulations, ethics and legal aspects,
Social development, TaeKwon-Do and the family, women, children and older adults.
The material, which will be in written, video, audio and other possible formats, will be sent via mail, and will also be available on campus
Evaluation and accreditation of the program:
The approval of this program will be necessary for the authorization to give classes under the endorsement of the UTKDA with the consequent advice and support of the association. The accreditation instances will be integrated into an evaluation program that will contain them. All of them will always be carried out according to agreed and explicit criteria and will include the consideration of:
Quality of student participation in the proposed tasks, whether individual or group, virtual or face-to-face.
Participation in at least 75% of the activities, with at least one participation in each module and / or the recovery of necessary stages.
Presentation of the proposed activities, both virtual and face-to-face features.
Discussion forum in virtual environment
Video conferencing platform - zoom
Virtual campus
Official website of the UTKDA
Face-to-face courses and seminars
Participation in tournaments and competitions
Communication via mail, Campos, WhatsApp.
Agenda and estimated schedule (may undergo changes)
• Total duration of the course: 5 months (July 17 to December 18, 2021)
• Scheme and calendar: 2 monthly modules that will have a synchronous meeting (through the Zoom platform of the UTKDA) on the second and fourth Saturday of each month (in July it will be the third and fifth and could undergo modifications if necessary) in the schedule from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (This schedule could also be modified in one or more of the meetings, in which case it will be informed in due course). The classes will be recorded and may be viewed by students who have not been able to attend or who wish to see it again.
• Asynchronous classes will also be carried out, which will be delivered by different means. As well as online activities
Costs and registration
• Installment payments
UTKDA students 5 monthly installments of $ 1800 or a “one-time” payment of $ 7500.
Guests 5 monthly installments of $ 2500 or a "one-time" payment of $ 9500.
• Consultations and registration from July 1 to 10.
• Questions and consultations via chat or designated email or alternative platform to be defined.
1-Technical Module + (UTKDA Program)
Saturday July 17 // Saturday July 31 (5.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.)
Speaker team: Master Market / Sabum Nim Arcaro / Sabum Nim Lucero
Coordinators: Edgardo López, Marcelo Pereiro.
2-Module (Physical preparation)
Saturday August 14 // Saturday August 28 (5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.)
Lecturer team: Master Market / Sabum Nim Adaro / Sabum Nim B. López
Coordinators: Edgardo López, Marcelo Pereiro.
3-Module (Children, Traditional / Kids Program) + Physical preparation
Saturday 11 to Sept // Saturday 25 Sept. (5.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.)
Speaker team: Sabum Nim López / Sabum Nim Adaro
Coordinators: Master Market, Marcelo Pereiro.
4-Module and Arbitration - Regulations
Saturday October 9 // Saturday October 23 (5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.)
Speaker team: Mr Mercado / Sabum Nim Pereiro / Sabum Nim Lucero
Coordinators: Edgardo López, Sabum Nim Adaro.
5- Social - Legal - Business Module
Saturday November 13 // Saturday November 27 (5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.)
Lecturer team: Master Market // Sabum Nim Ayala // Sabum Nim Jattar
Coordinators: Edgardo López, Marcelo Pereiro.
6 - Ethics Module - Do, children, women and older adults.
Saturday, December 11 (5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.)
Lecturer team: Master Market // Sabum Nim Ailén Mercado // Sabum Nim Liliana Salas.
Coordinators: Edgardo López, Marcelo Pereiro.
Saturday 18: Closing and delivery of diplomas - Words of the teaching team and Teacher.
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