The Tae Kwon-Do consists of 5 phases

– Fundamental movements
– Shape
– Practice with accessories
– Combat exercises
– Self-defense

It is impossible to separate these phases, since they all make up a cycle, where each of them is essential for the development of the other.
So, for example, fundamental movements are needed for combat and shapes and coincidentally, combat and form are necessary to perfect fundamental movements.

That is why the beginning and end of the cycle cannot be distinguished in the illustration.

The student must resume each of the fundamental movements to perfect their advanced combat and self-defense techniques.

The fundamental movements practiced exhaustively, allow to develop skill so that the student can face real combat situations with confidence.

The shapes place him in a hypothetical situation, where he must be able to defend himself, counterattack and attack in front of various opponents.

After the practice of fundamental movements and shapes, the expertise gained in combat against real opponents should be applied. At the same time, the student must develop his body, harden the attack and defense tools, to gain maximum power and cause damage. It is time to test coordination, speed, balance and concentration against spontaneous attacks, i.e. situations where to apply self-defense.

However, it must always be returned to basic movements, even if high self-defense training has been developed.cycle-composition-taekwondo

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