Moral Culture.

Moral Culture.

The intellectual and artistic development of man. It depends on the set of rules and logical elements that make up your environment. These include knowledge of art, rights, customs and acquired habits. Morality is part of the customs and norms of conduct that condition in some way the coming of man, because they belong to the realm of personal consciousness. For these reasons they are promoted in Taekwon-Do by strengthening their meaning and placing a special emphasis on their understanding.

The moral aspect is decidedly linked to Taekwon-Do. Gral Choi Hong Hi not only developed an art that promotes physical and mental health, but also the improvement of moral behavior so that those who practice it can reach technical and mental maturity and help build a more ethical society.

The Gral Choi in his book lists five qualities that have been recommended since ancient times by the Orientals as triggers for ethical and moral behavior:

  1. Humanitarian attitude: It is the virtue of pitying one's unfortunate neighbour and loving him;
  2. Righteousness: It is the virtue of shameful unjust deeds and not letting yourself be subdued;
  3. Correction: The proper development of personality comes from being sincere with oneself and with others and whoever is not sincere in his words, cannot be considered a right man, he will always be seen as a false man;
  4. Wisdom: It is the virtue of differentiating right from wrong, for the des and for oneself;
  5. Reliable attitude: It is the virtue of always keeping the word.

Moral culture is very important in the study of Taekwon-Do and it is important for the growth and development of man and his dignity.

In Tae Kwon Do it is always necessary to emphasize Moral Culture, so it not only promotes a healthy body and an alert mind, but also promotes being a knight and the perfection of moral behavior. The essence of moral culture is based on VIRTUE. People who have a moral culture act with virtue. What is virtue? What is being virtuous? A person who acts with the following five virtues is virtuous:

HUMANITY: Ability to feel sorrow for the misfortunes of others, and equally love others as parents love their children.

RECTITUDE: Ability to feel ashamed of unjust behaviors and in turn try to correct them.

CORTESIA: It must be practiced constantly for the correct development of personality.

JUDGMENT: Ability to distinguish good from evil, especially when one is judging oneself.

CONFIDENCE: Ability to keep one's word and promises.


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