XIII Pan American TaeKwon-Do ITF

46 UTKDA competitors competed in the largest CHAMPIONSHIP in ITF history, the XIII Pan American TaeKwon-Do ITF Buenos Aires 2016, more than 2000 competitors from all over the continent contested for a place on the podium; Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Canada, Colombia, USA and guest countries such as Jamaica and New Zealand brought their best athletes to this event, two days without rest where children, youth, adults and seniors from all categories competed, in one of the best venues in the country DIRECTV Arena, a place chosen by the organizers, where 15 areas more than 100 referees and judges , were needed to carry out this event.

Passion, dedication and commitment of athletes, referees and judges was what was necessary for the event to have been one of the best in ITF history.

To improve by the organizers, more respect for the high-level competitors, especially in the Danes, after strong training of these athletes to achieve a position on the podium are affected in their performance due to lack of defined schedule, hours of waiting and finally fighting hours later with the stadium cold, absent public, and already a feeling of tiredness on the part of competitors judges and referees.

The award harvest gives us the certainty that we are on a good track, we will continue to work to improve the level of competitors for future national events and international participations and thus achieve more and better results.

I invite all members of utKDA to remain united, committed, and always giving the best of each.

Master Fausto Mercado.

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