2017 Mighty Fist Cup

On Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June the UTKDA was in the TIF Cup, Mightyfist Organized by Luciano Luciano L. Iriarte and Diego Ronchese, an international event, with competitors from Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Colombia, and also with the MightyFist team led by Mark Trotter with competitors from the United States, Ireland and New Zealand.

We’re where we need to be.

UtKDA, was with its competitors and we achieved the following results.

Lautaro Vega 1st in Lucha 1o in Forma.

Victor Victor Vega 2nd in 3rd fight in form.

Pablo Kaufmann 2nd in Fight.

Sasha Kaufmann, 1st in Fight and 3rd in Form.

Ailen Market 3rd in team fight.

Congratulations the results are a reflection of work and commitment, rarely gained with little effort.

And thank the organizers for this Great Event.

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