5 students to the Taekwon-do Selection

UTKDA in the national team 5 students were shortlisted to join the National Taekwon-do national team of the Argentine Republic.

UTKDA in the national team 5 students were shortlisted to join the National Taekwon-do national team of the Argentine Republic.

The national team is preparing to compete at the next World Championships in Tempere, Finland in September 2021, as long as sanitary conditions in the pandemic permit. However, the equipment is already underway.

The shortlisted athletes train with the whole team some weekends and every day they do so led by their coaches Master Fausto Mercado and the eldest instructor Alberto Arredondo.

The shortlists are: Daniel Ayala 4th Dan (Guernica) Ailen Mercado 4th Dan (Berazategui) Sasha Kaufman 2nd Dan (Berazategui) Pablo Kaufman 2nd Dan (Berazategui) Ariana Zalazar 1st Dan (Monte Grande).

«The group is fulfilling Goals in search of a final goal»

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